Okay, it's been a while. A long while. No excuses, I'm basically lazy as a snake in August, but it has been a busy year. Let's get into the Wayback Machine and take a look, shall we?
March, April, May - Not much, just another birthday for Yours Truly (49!) and various and sundry crap from the world as a whole. Well, not entirely true. Upon examination by a qualified doc, what I thought was a hemmerhoid turns out to be a deep-rooted infection that requires surgery to correct. Long story short (and memory being the not so perfect device it once was), all is corrected and I now have a perfect a**hole. No jokes, please.
June - We suffered another loss in June. Little Derrick, age 10-1/2, passed away on June 16 after suffering massive system failure. Derrick is in a much better place now, where he won't be confined to a wheelchair and will have no trouble talking to anyone he desires. Rest well, little trooper - your struggle is over.
July - The Better Half is diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Surgery follows shortly after the diagnosis, and radiation treatment a month after surgery. According to the doctor, the possibility of recurrence is less than 1%.
August - The Better Half is suffering from PAD, peripheral artery disease, and she needs to have stents put into both femoral arteries. Day surgery is sufficient to take care of this problem, and she now has circulation back in both legs and feet.
September - Nothing, thank the Lord.
October - Quiet first half of the month. Last week of the month, The Better Half's father goes into the hospital and eventually has to have four toes amputated due to poor circulation (yes, he's diabetic).
November so far - The Better Half and I fly to Yuma, AZ to attend Rich the Marine's birthday ball. The Marine Corps Ball, I mean. Yes, we had a good time, and yes, I still hate to fly. If God had meant me to fly, he'd have given me wings or a rocket up my ass.
Sarah Rose had surgery on her hip on the 8th, three days after our return from Yuma. (Can you say jet lag? Sure you can.) The doctors went in and put a plate and screw in her hip to hold it in place. Sounds wonderful. Now she's in a double cast from upper thigh to foot with a bar between her lower legs to hold her legs in optimal position for the hip to heal in place.
As you can tell, things have been pretty hectic at the cave the last few months. I'll try to get this thing back on track one of these days, but no promises.