Wow. What a month or two this has been! First, let me wish everyone a belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (hey, better late than never!). Things at the cave were about as they are every year - hectic, crazy, you name the adjective.
I apologize for the sparseness of entries lately. Life has been interfering with blogging again. How dare it! Anyway, I have a legitimate excuse for the last couple of weeks. Sarah Rose and I came down with Montezuma's revenge about three weekends ago, so we were sharing a weekend of misery. I felt bad, but I felt worse for her. We had to eventually start pumping Pedialite into her through her stomach tube to keep her from dehydrating. Anyway, a few days after the crud had run its course, The Better Half and I noticed that Sarah's stomach was distending. After trying the usual remedies (parents, you know of what I speak - everyone else, you don't want to know) with no success, The Better Half took her to the emergency room to see a doctor. Well, Sarah was admitted to the hospital that night after X-rays showed that she had a perforated intestine. Keeping in mind that Sarah only has about 68 centimeters of intestine in total, removal of the perforated section is not an option in my mind. So for the last ten days or so (could be more - time has gotten away from me lately) Sarah has been hooked up to an IV antibiotic up at Wake Med, and my time has consisted of going to work, going to the hospital, and sleeping.
The Better Half pestered the doctors about why this happened, and finally one of them told her that children with short bowel syndrome are susceptible to perforations when they get a stomach bug. That was news to her and to me. For now, it means a protracted hospital stay for my little angel. For later, it means we have to be extra diligent when Sarah gets sick. Just one more thing to be on the lookout for.
Thankfully, everyone else at the cave is healthy at the moment, aside from the fact that The Better Half and I are run pretty ragged by now. What's that quote, something about "sleep, that knits the raveled sleeve of care" or something like that. Sleep, a good, sound sleep, would be nice about now. Maybe in a few days. I'll try to do better and keep everyone posted about progress. No promises.