Monday, August 02, 2004
  Some wag once said that raising teenagers was like nailing Jell-o™ to a tree. To which I can add a hearty "Amen!". JT turns 14 this week, and apparently this is the magical age where someone can do no wrong. At least, if you ask him, that's what it is. He's wanting to know why he doesn't have more freedoms to do things his friends do, etc. Well, when you're 14 physically but only about 9 mentally, you don't get the things everybody else does. Try explaining that to him -- go ahead, I'll wait.

SR is two now and continuing to gain weight; slowly, but at least she's not regressing. No news yet on when the adoption will be finalized. I swear, sometimes it seems like the Dept. of Social (no)Services' specialty is foot-dragging. I've seen executions progress faster than this.

I'm trying my best to avoid politics like the plague it is, especially since now I find out The Better Half™ is leaning towards supporting JF'inKerry. I got embroiled in a political discussion last week at work (ended up being more like a pissing match) which gave me a headache for the rest of the day. Note to self: DO NOT discuss religion or politics with anyone, period.

A friend of mine (whom I've never met, but feel like I know) started a blog a short while ago. For the two people who actually ever read this drivel, please go check out The Humble Devildog's site. At the moment, he's posting on the subject of religion. Don't let that scare you off; I've learned a thing or two from him, and I have yet to read a better piece on worship than what he's done. Keep up the good work, Devildog!
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A small town guy from North Carolina trying to get by in the modern world with caveman viewpoints.

Location: Wendell, North Carolina, United States

Ramblings about a middle-aged guy in NC trying to raise a family without totally losing his mind in the process

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