I just saw
this headline on my local news station's website. Prison time??? The sad bastard should have his balls cut off so that he can't possibly procreate again!! Anyone who could do this kind of shit to their own kid doesn't deserve to live!
This kind of crap really gets to me more and more lately. All right, the truth. Our little guy KC, whom I have talked about on more than one occasion, was brutally abused when he was about three months old, to the point where he will probably never exceed the mentality of a two year old. And the person who perpetrated the crime received thirty months in prison. I repeat, the lowlife who hurt KC got thirty months. KC is relegated to a lifetime's existence as a baby, and this scum gets out to hurt kids again. You want a punishment to fit the crime? Give me five minutes with that bastard in a locked room, and give me a baseball bat. We'll see how he likes living the rest of his life in that kind of condition.
Rope. Tree. You know the drill.