Wednesday, August 06, 2003
  I've been following the Mike Peterson case (like I have much choice in the matter). For those of you who don't know or don't care or could care less, Mike Peterson is the Durham, NC author who has been accused of killing his wife. What chaps my ass is the way the media is treating this trial. You'd think this guy was running for God or something. I haven't seen that many attorneys since the OJ trial, and we all know what happened there. Is that what our judicial system has boiled down to -- he who can hire the best lawyers wins??

When I say that I've been following the case, it's not that I spend hours in front of the tube watching the lawyers have at it. I mean that it's one of the major topics of conversation here at the office. Since I work in a law firm, that should come as no surprise to anyone. However, I have gotten a little sick of all the hype, and since the trial holds little interest for me, I have fallen upon a stock response to anyone who asks me if I think he's guilty. "Of course he's guilty! He pulled the same crap in Germany 17 years ago and thinks he can do the same now! They oughta fry his ass!" I get a lot of sideways glances when I voice this, but people have stopped asking me what I think about the trial, which is a relief.

On to bigger and better things -- J turned 13 on August 2. This means that he has been on this planet for 13 years. Mentally, he's nowhere near 13. But for all intents and purposes, I have a teenager at home again. Remind me again about how much fun I'm having here. P turns 12 in September (don't ask me what day 'cause I'll have to hurt you). Oy. 
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A small town guy from North Carolina trying to get by in the modern world with caveman viewpoints.

Location: Wendell, North Carolina, United States

Ramblings about a middle-aged guy in NC trying to raise a family without totally losing his mind in the process

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