Once again I tread the dangerous waters of (gasp!) political blogging. Understand that my knowledge of politics is extremely limited. I personally consider the vast majority of politicians as nothing better than whores for votes, but what do I know? Maybe I should stick to what I know, but if I did that, I would have exhausted this forum months ago. OK, here goes.
I watched the President's speech the other night. I have no argument with the man; we should have invaded Iraqistan months if not years ago. Then again, I never served in the military (my Better Half, however, is a Vietnam-era AF veteran, so I can get some information from her). I agree that Saddam is a seriously evil man and the sooner we get him out of the picture, the better. Personally, I think we shouldn't have given him 48 hours to "get out of town"; hell, he's had more than 12 years to get his shit together and he still thinks he's untouchable. However, after reading a few war blogs (and no, I can't remember which they were off the top of my head, if I could I'd link to them), I have to admit that the 48 hour deadline could act as a kind of psychological warfare, as in the military chewing their nails waiting for the axe to fall. Hopefully someone in the military will decide to off Saddam and save everyone a lot of time and trouble. If not, we'll be glad to do it for them.
France has basically fallen off the map as far as respect is concerned. Now they're saying that if Iraqistan were to use WMD against coalition troops, they would feel obligated to step in and help the coalition. First, didn't France say that Iraqistan didn't HAVE WMDs? Now they're saying that IF WMDs were used, that would "change the situation entirely?" No shit, Sherlock. It would prove to the world that the government of France consists of flaming assholes that are only concerned with keeping their jobs. Now I don't want Iraqistan to use WMDs against American troops; however, maybe Saddam could be convinced to use one in the oil fields that France is so hot to protect. Then we'll see if France steps in to protect those precious oil wells. France can keep their frigging "soldiers" in France where they can do what they do best: eat snails and drink wine.
Hoo boy, that felt good! It's therapeutic to vent once in a while (or so the Better Half tells me). Think I'll go out for a quick nicotine hit, refill the coffee cup (yep, I'm a caffeine addict also) and get back to work.
Before I go: There are several sites in the blogosphere where you can send a message to the troops to let them know you care. Mike over at
Cold Fury (with help from Susana) set up a wonderful site. There's another one at
Little Green Footballs, and
Emperor Misha has linked to another. Support our troops! Let them know you're thinking about them.