Random Ramblings
Seems like my Evil Twin and I got into a pissing match the other day. Now he's not talking to me. Between you and me, I haven't lost any sleep over it. I figure he'll be back with a vengeance eventually.
Time for a shameless plug. No, not for me, for a fellow blogger.
Bigwig has obviously been here (and no, he didn't leave any hraka behind). If by some odd chance you end up here and haven't read Bigwig's blog, shame on ya! Get over there and give him a look!
Today being Valentine's Day and all, I got The Better Half a dozen yellow roses and a box of candy last night. I would have been better off getting her a new circular saw. The Better Half, also known around the hacienda as "Ms. Bob Vila", has been spending the last week renovating the bathroom and laundry room. So far, she has repainted, wallpapered, retiled part of the floor, built a new frame around the bathroom window, and built a new closet in the hallway. No wonder she's so tired at night.
ET: You don't think she's maybe compensating for something, do you?
I don't remember asking you a damn thing. Besides, you know it's illegal to put me and a power tool in the same room.
ET: Yeah, I remember the last time you tried to use a power saw . . .
Don't bring THAT up again!
ET: Isn't that what your wife told you the other night?
Hey, I don't discuss YOUR personal life in public!
ET: Heh, heh, heh.
(Looking around) I think he went back to sleep. Hope so, anyway.
It's been a rough week. How can I tell? I can't spell anymore. Brain shutting down! Error! Error! Errrrrorrrrr! God, I sound like Nomad from the old Star Trek episode. Maybe that's why my Evil Twin is so quiet, my brain's not getting enough sugar. I guess it's time for a coffee and chocolate hit.