Thursday, February 27, 2003
  Don't Ya Love Idjits?

I love that word. What word is that? The one above . . . idjits! That was one of my father's favorite words. Dad was a typical good ole boy from North Carolina. He loved his food, his booze and his smokes. He died 18 months ago from pancreatic cancer. God, I miss him. Anyway, he was good for words that I had never heard anywhere else then or now. "Earl" was one. What was an earl? The antenna on the car, of course; an aerial. The trunk of his car was the boot. And idjit was, naturally, an idiot. I find myself using that word quite often lately, especially when driving in or around Raleigh. Most of the people on the roads these days would easily qualify as idjits. Here's a question you can pose to yourself, both of you: who on the world scene today would qualify as an idjit? Here's my short list:

Saddam Hussein - for obvious reasons
Yasser Arafat - ditto
Jacques Chirac - he's French, do you need another reason?
Human shields - if you wanna act like animate armor plate, go ahead, but I think you're an idjit.
PETA - I did not fight my way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian. Ya buncha idjits.

And last but not least, me. I'm the biggest idjit in the state right about now. Personal reasons, you understand. There are some things I don't want both of my readers to know.

You want to know why I only blog on occasion? 'Cause I spend most of my time online reading blogs. Yeah, and once I learn how to do the funky little sidebar list thingy, I'm gonna list the blogs I read the most, all dozen of them. Don't you just love it? 
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A small town guy from North Carolina trying to get by in the modern world with caveman viewpoints.

Location: Wendell, North Carolina, United States

Ramblings about a middle-aged guy in NC trying to raise a family without totally losing his mind in the process

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