Whew! A busy couple of days there. Working for lawyers can really be a pain at times, especially when you're in the bookkeeping department of a large law firm.
Things are moving at their usual hectic pace at the hacienda. My 19 year old, affectionately referred to as Beelzebub, has the usual large hairy insect lodged in his posterior. J, P and K are being their usual little boys selves (squared), and the better half keeps earning her halo as she tries to keep order in the middle of chaos.
Blogging is going to be light for the next however long. My Knights of Columbus council is starting up our
Operation LAMB campaign, and guess who gets to lead it again? Yours truly, of course. Like I don't have enough going on already. (Moan, moan, piss, complain - you've all heard it before) I'll blog when I get a chance, but it won't be often, 'cause I usually blog around lunchtime at work, and guess what I'll be doing at lunchtime for the next few months? Ding, ding! We have a winner! That's right, Operation LAMB stuff! I guess both of you readers will have to wait for wit for a while.
Gotta run. People to see, things to do. Or is that people to do, things to see? Whatever.