Friday, August 23, 2002
  I'm baaaack! Just when you thought it was safe to enter the blogosphere again. Shoulda known better, bubba.

Well, let's recap the week that was. And boy, was it a week! First, the scandal that hit the Catholic Church hit home a few months ago, when our priest was removed for "administrative leave". No further comment on that. After about three months of having an interim priest fill in (and Father Dan, if you ever read this, you were most definitely the right person at the right place at the right time), we received not one, but two new priests. One of our new priests is from the Congo (or Zaire, depending on what day of the week it is), one is from the Phillipines. We also had a brother come with them. These gentlemen (and they are that) are part of a religious order based in Belgium. So, let's see -- one priest from the Congo, one from the Phillipines, a brother from Indonesia, and an order headquartered in Belgium. Geez, my little corner of NC is starting to look like the United Nations.

I have mentioned that the better half and I are foster parents. Well, last Tuesday evening, we received a little gift -- twin boys! They are eight weeks old and cute as buttons. They're 26-week preemies, but they don't have any apparent major problems. The smaller of the two is still on oxygen, but that's a temporary measure. They both eat good, considering they're not much more than five pounds each, and they sleep through the night, as long as you feed them around midnight. Let's see, quick head count here . . . that gives us four in diapers, eight total children, unless you count Beelzebub as an adult, which I certainly don't.

Another Knights of Columbus meeting last week. Now I've got more things to do with my "spare time". (insert hysterical laughter here) I know it sounds like I'm complaining (as opposed to pissing and moaning), but I really like being depended on to do things for the Knights. The new priests (remember them?) want to join, so we're gonna get them in. That can only help our recruitment efforts (I hope, since I'm in charge of recruiting also).

Lemme think. Anything else? At the moment, I can't think of anything, so I guess I'll quit for now. Besides, lunch break is over. Back to the salt mine!

Note: I originally tried to post this on 8/21. It is now 8/23. Amazing how time flies when you're having fun, ain't it? 
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A small town guy from North Carolina trying to get by in the modern world with caveman viewpoints.

Location: Wendell, North Carolina, United States

Ramblings about a middle-aged guy in NC trying to raise a family without totally losing his mind in the process

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