Little Samantha Runnion, who was kidnapped from her home the other day, has been found dead. Police at this point believe she was sexually molested before being killed and dumped in a shallow grave. You want monsters? People (and I use the term loosely) who would do this to a five-year-old girl are the monsters in our society. It makes me wish that there was a penalty more severe than the death penalty. The police believe it is the work of a serial rapist/killer. If it is, when they find him, I hope he "accidentally" gets roughed up before being booked; or maybe we'll get lucky and the sonofabitch will try to shoot it out with the police and get his head blown off.
I have lots more to say about this, but right now, my hands are shaking too much for me to type coherently. When I calm down, which probably won't be any time today, I'll probably have more to say. Pray for Samantha's family; they are going through hell right now. I lost a daughter myself, so I know how they must feel.