Hi there! Welcome to the CroMagnon blog, started on 6/28/02 just for the hell of it.
It figures. I've been reading blogs for about a month now, and finally decided to start my own (thanks in no small part to encouragement from
Meryl Yourish). So I go to Blogspot, enter all the information necessary (I hope), and get set to start blogging, and damned if we don't get the worst thunderstorm we've had in months come by and knock the power off. Don't you love it?
Anyway, a little about this blog. If you're looking for witty political reparte, you've come to the wrong place. Ditto for views on the news, sports, weather, etc. It's my blog, and I can do what I want with it, so there. Seriously, I started this after an exchange of e-mails with Meryl Yourish about things in general. When I mentioned that I have six children at home, she said that that should be enough fodder for a blog. After thinking about it, I thought she might be right. So, I'm gonna give it a go. It won't be as funny or as well-written as
Lileks' bleats about the Gnat (which I highly recommend; they can be found at www.lileks.com), but they will be real. Believe me, no one could make this stuff up. As I write this, I have the 10 and 11 year old watching "The Emperor's New Groove" in one room, the 4 year old watching "Elmopalooza" in another room, and three babies in cribs trying to sleep. I just got through changing and feeding the babies, and thought I'd take a couple of minutes to add to this while I have the chance.
Sorry, I'm back now; had to go discipline the little monsters, ah, dears again. I have to go and keep domestic tranquility in the house; remember, peace through superior firepower!