I can't catch a break lately. Between work, church and home, there aren't enough hours in the day to get done what has to get done. I think the government should work on increasing the length of the day to 30 hours instead of this piddly 24 hour thing. That's a proposal I could get behind.
Son R the Marine (OOH-RAH!) received his next set of orders the other day. Sometime in late March, his ass is to report to Yuma, Arizona for more hands-on training on Harriers. Yep, Yuma frickin' Arizona. 2,500 miles (more or less) from the cave. Jeebus H. Christos; that's a long drive.
Father-in-law (also known as Pop) celebrates another birthday this weekend. Incredible if you think about it. The man has one kidney and it don't work, so he goes in for dialysis three times a week. He had bypass surgery (twice) and has slowed down tremendously the past few years, yet he keeps on going. He's the human equivalent of a Timex.
I know about the little girl in Florida they found today; I'm not going to comment on it here. Misha was the recipient of my wrath about that earlier today.
Little SR was having trouble cutting some teeth for the last few weeks, so her eating was way down. We were lucky if we could get eight ounces of formula into her a day, so at night the bag went up and we fed her through her G-tube. Well, the trouble is over, 'cause SR is now pounding down almost 16 ounces of formula daily. And I mean pounding. Once she gets that nipple in her mouth, she's like a little snapping turtle. You don't even try to get it out until she's finished.
J received an academic achievement award the other day for making the A/B honor roll. Not bad for a little guy who wasn't supposed to be a functional human being according to the doctors all those years ago. All those years ago; it's hard to believe that J's 13 now. Makes me feel old, kinda.